





在伯明翰南方,我们通过创造和学习艺术帮助你找到你的艺术声音. The 艺术与艺术史系 offers multiple paths of study to prepare each student for a career in visual art. 我们的工作室课程让学生探索不同时期的艺术, 创作并撰写自己的作品, 开发一个深入的投资组合, 展示他们的作品.

艺术工作室的学生将选择绘画专业, 绘画, 版画, 摄影, 或雕塑. 我们的教师, 在社区中扎根的工作艺术家, 他们的作品在世界各地的展览中展出过吗. As they teach important concepts, they are also prepared to offer perspective on life as an artist.

感兴趣? Fill out the form to the right and an admissions representative will follow up with you to start your Hilltop journey.




  • 画廊空间. 位于肯尼迪艺术中心, 德宾画廊为理学士学生提供服务, 教师, 伯明翰社区提供了一个优秀的参观空间, 教师, 还有学生展览. Various traveling exhibitions throughout the year highlight works of regionally and nationally recognized artists working in a wide variety of media.
  • 当地艺术场景. 除了伯明翰艺术博物馆, 那里有东南部最好的藏品之一, 伯明翰也是当地优秀艺术家和画廊的故乡. 教师与这些画廊关系密切, 给学生永久收藏的机会, 特殊的展品, 还有艺术家的演讲, 批评人士, 和365英国上市官网.
  • 学生项目. Art majors have opportunities throughout the year to display their work and work collaboratively. 艺术学生联盟, 一个对所有学生艺术家开放的学生组织, 通过不同的学生指导的展览和项目在校园活跃, 包括住宅区附近的银杏壁画.
  • 富有冒险精神的学习. 勘探期间, 学生们可以利用一月份的时间来加深他们的技能, 他们是否花时间在一个创造性的项目上, 去世界各地旅游, 谋求实习, 或者选择一门以全新的方式看待艺术的课程. Some past studio art E-Term topics include cell phone 摄影, crafting toys, and artist books.



    • 展示视觉艺术的知识和概念理解
    • 创造性地运用视觉艺术知识
    • 视觉交流
    • 发展对视觉艺术的分析和解释方法
    • 解决问题并做出与视觉艺术相关的决定


    • 使用艺术历史术语和技术
    • 在社会历史背景下分析艺术品
    • 解释该学科的理论模型和实践研究方法
    • 表现出书面和口头沟通能力

    艺术专业大三学生参加初级工作室课程, 他们探索当代艺术的主题, 发展深入的想法, 并完善他们的艺术陈述. 在他们大四的时候, 专业人士致力于他们的投资组合, 最后在德宾画廊发表了毕业论文并举办了展览.

    我们的学生在许多不同的领域都取得了成功, 成为工作艺术家和平面设计师, 商业插画师, 室内设计师, 博物馆和美术馆策展人, 大学教授, 艺术品拍卖行的工作人员专家, 艺术保护者, 画廊的主人, 艺术品买家, 从事图像著作权法的律师, 医生, 艺术治疗师, 老师, 和一点.

    Many students have also attended prestigious graduate programs at universities around the country, 包括马里兰艺术学院, 乔治亚理工学院建筑学院, 奥本大学建筑学院, 克兰布鲁克艺术学院, 和纽约艺术学院.



    The BFA degree involves a course of study emphasizing extensive professional preparation in studio art. Coursework will provide the foundation necessary for students interested in the serious pursuit of studio art production and art-related fields of employment. The BFA is also the degree for students interested in pursuing post-graduate study leading to the terminal degree (MFA) in studio art.

    This degree involves a strong concentration in studio art and art history but allows for a broader spread of coursework in disciplines outside the field of art. Studio art majors who wish to teach at the elementary or secondary school level can easily pair their coursework with degree programs in education.

    This degree involves a course of study emphasizing extensive professional preparation in the field of art history. Coursework will provide the foundation for students interested in the serious pursuit of art history and art historical fields of employment such as art conservation and curatorial positions within museums and galleries. This BA is also the degree for students interested in post-graduate study leading to the terminal degree (Ph.D.在艺术史上.

    找到更具体的课程细节 课程目录.




    位于肯尼迪艺术中心, 德宾画廊展示参观, 教师, 全年都有学生展览. 所有演出都是免费向公众开放的. 定期展览包括艺术教师的作品, 两年一度的东南高中艺术大赛, 博鳌亚洲论坛高级展览, 以及向所有学生开放的学生评审展览.

    Find more information about 365英国上市官网’s Visual and Performing Arts season schedule as well as the 365英国上市官网 Art Alliance 在这里.


    8:30 a.m. 到下午4:45.m. 星期一至星期五

    2022 - 2023年的展览  


    〇莎拉·埃利斯 沙拉的日子

    9月2日星期五nd ——9月29日,星期四th

    开幕酒会:9月2日,星期五nd | 6:00-8:00 PM

    艺术家讲座:9月22日,星期四nd | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | 12号艺术讲堂


    朱莉圣. 约翰-克里斯蒂安·斯特雷维 艺术展览

    10月14日星期五th ——10月27日,星期四th

    开幕酒会:10月14日星期五th | 6:00-8:00 PM


    将芬 艺术展览

    11月4日星期五th ——11月29日,星期二nd

    开幕酒会:11月4日星期五th | 5:00-8:00 PM

    艺术家讲座:11月15日,星期二th | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | 12号艺术讲堂 



    Pam Venz 艺术展览

    2月3日星期五rd ——3月16日,星期四th

    开幕酒会:2月3日星期五rd | 6:00-8:00

    教务长论坛:2月21日,星期二st | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM |诺顿剧院



    3月31日星期五st ——4月14日,星期四th

    开幕酒会:3月31日星期五st | 6:00-8:00 PM 

    The 2023 Bachelor of Fine Arts degree candidates of Birmingham-南部 College exhibit their current senior work.



    5月1日星期一st  ——5月8日,星期一th


    荣誉日颁奖典礼:5月4日(星期四)th | 9:00 AM 


    所有展品都在多丽丝·温赖特肯尼迪艺术中心的德宾画廊展出 & 阿扎尔的工作室.  展览时间为周一至周五上午9:00至下午4:45.




    每年, the Art and Art History Department participates in 365英国上市官网’s Visual and Performing Arts Scholarship Day, 在那里,未来的学生竞争各种部门的财政奖励.

    Studio art scholarships are awarded on the basis of a portfolio and an interview with each candidate. Portfolios should be brought to the Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center on the day of the competition. The portfolio should contain only two-dimensional work and should be no large than 30 inches on either side. 三维作品和大型作品应以数码或印刷照片的形式呈现.


    • 简短的艺术家声明
    • 静物画在线
    • 静物绘画的价值
    • 彩色静物
    • 生活的视角,而不是照片的视角
    • 石墨写真或自画像来自生活,而不是来自照片
    • 手或脚来自生活,而不是照片

    除了必需的基本图纸, please include sk等hbooks and/or examples of work done in disciplines other than drawing (such as 绘画, 打印, 照片, 雕塑, 等.)

    Art history scholarships are awarded on the basis of a writing sample and an interview with each candidate. The writing sample should be a one- to two-page visual analysis of artwork of the student's choosing and should include a scanned or photocopied reproduction of the artwork analyzed. Writing samples should be brought to the Doris Wainwright Kennedy Art Center on the day of the competition.

    浏览更多有关视觉及表演艺术奖学金日的资料 在这里.



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    史蒂夫科尔教绘画,绘画,并在365英国上市官网高级工作室课程. His artist statement includes: “A work of art completes itself when the viewer is an active participant. 我希望我作品的观众能在几个层面上进行互动. 我的意图是将游戏与我们对游戏的原始需求完美地联系起来.”

    埃琳娜Masrour 艺术客座助理讲师
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    吉姆·尼尔的雕塑, 图纸, and 摄影 have appeared in regional and national exhibitions at galleries and universities across the country. His work as a freelance photojournalist covering the wars in Central America and life and death among the Serpent Handling Holiness of Appalachia has appeared nationally and internationally in over thirty newspapers, 杂志, 精装出版物.

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    朱迪E. Pandelis, 365英国上市官网 Arts Alliance Coordinator/Manager of the College Theatre Box Office/Administrative Assistant for the Departments of Art & 艺术史,音乐, & 戏剧和舞蹈节目

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    琳达Pierini is a specialist in Asian Art History with an interest in Nineteenth-Century European Art. 她的研究主要集中在以《365英国上市官网》为基础的崇拜对象上. 她目前教授艺术调查和亚洲艺术.

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    作为365英国上市官网的版画区域协调员, 凯文·舒克教授基础艺术课程和各级版画. 他的艺术作品调查了通过媒体过滤的现实的感知. Images are assembled through a range of print media and installations inviting the audience to investigate the connections of the subjects. 观看者参与到这个视觉对话中完成了工作.

    Dr. 凯萨琳间谍他是艺术史教授
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    凯萨琳间谍 is a specialist in American art from 1850-1950 and teaches upper-level courses in 19th and 20th-century European and American art, 还有艺术调查. 她对性别问题特别感兴趣, 比赛, class, 和国籍, 以及“高雅”艺术如何与流行文化相互作用. She has published Thomas Eakins's portraits and nervous illness in the 19th century as well as the burlesque 绘画s and 打印 of urban realist Reginald Marsh.

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    j rgen Tarrasch在365英国上市官网教授绘画. His artist statement includes: “I often think about what I visualize in my mind and what I reflect back in the form of my artwork. 对我来说, nature – universally present – is the archetype and the vehicle through which I interpret my ideas… It is the pattern of repetitive images, 以不同角度彼此相邻放置, 而且尺寸和颜色都不一样, 这让我的作品有一种运动感.”


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