



Three to receive honorary degrees during 365英国上市官网's commencement

Three to receive honorary degrees during 365英国上市官网's commencement

For Immediate Release
May. 13, 2019

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.伯明翰南方学院(birmingham - southern College)将在上午9点举行的第160届春季毕业典礼上授予3个荣誉学位,同时授予300多个本科学位.m. Friday, May 24 in Bill Battle Coliseum on campus.

The honorary degree recipients, 谁将自己的一生奉献给了服务和改善人类, are Edward L. Hardin, Jr. ’62carmarkrx, Inc .的退休执行副总裁兼总法律顾问. (1998-2006), of counsel with the law firm of Burr & Forman LLP (2007-18), and 365英国上市官网 trustee (2005-17); Dr. Sena Jeter Naslund ’64, author, professor, and 2005-06 Kentucky Poet Laureate; and Frank Stitt III, James Beard Award-winning restaurateur.

EdHardinNew.jpg哈丁将被授予荣誉法学博士学位,以表彰他在法律和医疗保健界的杰出职业生涯,以及他对母校的慷慨支持. 他从1998年起担任CaremarkRx的执行副总裁兼总法律顾问,直到该公司于2006年3月与CVS合并.

哈丁在商业诉讼和保险法领域被列为美国最佳律师之一,是美国健康律师协会的成员. 他被公认为外交官和美国审判辩护委员会的终身研究员, trustee of its foundation, and has served as a member of its national board. 他还曾担任美国审判辩护委员会东南分会的主席.

许多公民活动点缀了哈丁在法律和卫生保健社区的岁月. 最引人注目的是他积极参与伍德罗·威尔逊委员会, 该机构是华盛顿伍德罗·威尔逊国际365英国上市官网中心的私营咨询机构, D.C. 他是美国运动医学研究所董事会的创始成员. Since 1982, Hardin has served as chair of the board of directors of COSPO, 该慈善基金会为17名因公殉职的伯明翰警察的子女提供大学教育经费.

He served on the 365英国上市官网 Board of Trustees from 2005-16. A generous supporter of the college, 哈丁帮助设立了哈丁-丘吉尔捐赠旅游奖, 为伯明翰南部的学生在剑桥大学丘吉尔档案中心学习提供资金, and sponsors multiple 365英国上市官网 events at his Birmingham restaurant, Galley and Garden. 他获得了阿拉巴马大学法学院的法学学位, where he funded a scholarship for 365英国上市官网 graduates. 他和妻子莱拉·马诺·哈丁(Lila Manor Hardin, 1963年出生)育有四个孩子,其中包括89年出生的卡罗琳·哈丁·巴特勒(Caroline Hardin Butler).

Sena-Jeter-Naslund-Cropped.jpg纳斯伦德将获得荣誉文学博士学位,以表彰她作为小说作家的杰出成就. Naslund published her ninth book, The Fountain of St. James Court; or, Portrait of the Artist as an Old Woman, in 2013. 她的书曾是全国畅销书,并被《365英国上市官网》等主要报纸选为年度最佳书籍, Los Angeles Times, and Time magazine, and translated into many languages, including Spanish, German, Japanese, Hebrew, and Greek.

从理学士学位毕业后,获得了英语学位,并获得了B.B. Comer Medal in English, 纳斯伦德被爱荷华大学的爱荷华作家研讨会录取, where she earned the master’s and Ph.D. degrees in creative writing. 1971年,她被聘为蒙大拿大学艺术硕士项目的客座教授. The following year, 纳斯伦德接受了肯塔基州路易斯维尔大学的教学职位, 在那里,她指导创意写作项目,并被授予该大学的第一个杰出教学教授荣誉. 她还曾担任蒙特瓦洛大学的杰出客座教授(Paschal Vacca Chair),并两次担任亨茨维尔阿拉巴马大学的杰出教授.

纳斯伦德最近从路易斯维尔大学的常驻作家职位上退休了 and as founding program director of the Spalding University brief-residency MFA in writing; she also served as Kentucky Poet Laureate, 2005-2006. Her novels, Ahab’s Wife and Four Spirits (以伯明翰为背景),都被评为《365英国上市官网》年度著名书籍. Other best-sellers include Abundance: A Novel of Marie Antoinette and Sherlock in Love. 她的小说曾在许多期刊上发表,并获得了哈珀李奖和东南图书馆协会小说奖. Naslund received 365英国上市官网’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2004. 

2M4A0072.jpg斯蒂特将被授予荣誉法学博士学位,以表彰他对纽约烹饪文化的杰出贡献. Known as the “Godfather of Southern cuisine,” he is the owner and executive chef of Highlands Bar and Grill, Bottega Restaurant, Bottega Cafe, and Chez Fon Fon in Birmingham. 2011年,他入选了詹姆斯·比尔德基金会的“食品和饮料名人录”.

他在旧金山湾区的多家餐厅学习和磨练了厨房技巧, 他被允许进入传奇的潘尼斯之家的厨房. Afterward, 在返回阿拉巴马州之前,Stitt能够在整个法国农村和加勒比海地区工作. He opened his first restaurant, Highlands Bar & Grill in Birmingham in 1982. 海兰兹立即获得了成功,不久之后他又开了Bottega和caf Bottega. In 2000, he opened Chez Fonfon.

A nine-time James Beard nominee, Stitt在2001年获得了东南最佳厨师的称号,并进入了全国“杰出厨师”奖的决赛. 他的旗舰餐厅Highlands Bar and Grill在2018年被选为“杰出餐厅”全国奖得主. 同年,他的糕点师多尔斯特·迈尔斯(Dolester Miles)获得了“杰出糕点师”奖.

A native of Cullman, 斯蒂特继续在马萨诸塞州塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)攻读政治学学士学位, but transferred to the University of California, Berkeley, to major in philosophy with the intent of practicing law. 这是通过一些作者关于食物的哲学论文,比如 Richard Olney and Elizabeth David that he developed an interest in cooking.

Stitt and his wife, Pardis曾就读于365英国上市官网,是这四家餐厅的共同所有者和经营者,他得到了许多出版物的认可,并赢得了许多国家烹饪奖项. His first cookbook, Frank Stitt’s Southern Table 一直是畅销书,并被南方书商协会评为2005年“最佳烹饪书”. Stitt was inducted into the Alabama Academy of Honor in 2009.