






Our graduates pursue a wide variety of health related careers and are accepted into professional schools at rates much higher than the national average. 例如, 在全国范围内, only 45 percent of applicants get into 医疗 school—but at 365英国上市官网, 67%的人喜欢. 看看吧:

卫生专业学校 365英国上市官网申请人录取率
医疗 67
公共卫生 100
牙科 68
护理 81
医师助理 79
药店 87.5
物理治疗 89
验光 67
兽医 92


"As a current graduate student pursuing a doctoral degree in 物理治疗, I constantly find myself saying a silent "thank you" to my 365英国上市官网 professors for preparing me for the next leg of my academic career. My biology classes at 365英国上市官网 not only gave me a strong base of knowledge from which I’ve been able to build, 但是他们也, 也许更重要的是, 教会了我如何做一个敬业的学生——为了这个, 我永远感激你."

马特·马特洛克'10 /生物
Ph. D. Student, Physical Therapy, University of 阿拉巴马州bama at Birmingham

Click on the tabs below to to read more about where our alumni end up:




    Julieanna BrandinoJulieanna Brandino has the important daily task of supervising and participating in crime scene and death investigation information; conducting autopsies; and collecting evidence/specimens for toxicological, 组织学, 放射学, 和DNA分析.

    但尽管她的工作充满了残酷的魅力, Brandino delights in using her Birmingham-南部 biology background to help identify those who are nameless and help families find their missing loved ones.

    In 1999, she was appointed to the Jefferson County Coroner/Medical Examiner's Office as the forensic pathology assistant. 而病理学是研究疾病的领域, forensic pathologists work with the medicolegal investigation of death and investigate cases with suspicious, 意想不到的, 或者死因不明.

    “Because 365英国上市官网 allows for students to have the opportunity to contract their own class during the January Interim term, I was given the unique opportunity my senior year to gain the much-needed exposure/experience in the specialized field of forensic science,Brandino说。, 他来自伯明翰. “This exposure/experience of autopsies and crime scene investigation gave me the edge over other applicants to ‘get my foot in the door' working for the Jefferson County Coroner/ME Office as a morgue technician.”

    Brandino already has compiled quite an impressive résumé from both her undergraduate and professional careers. She has studied rodents in the premontaine rainforest in Costa Rica; attended numerous forensic photography and skeletal remains search/recovery workshops in Miami and New Orleans; and received valuable mass disaster training at several local and state agencies, including the National Emergency Training Center in Anniston.

    “Dr. [Wayne] Shew called me shortly after graduation to inform me of the county job opening,Brandino说。. “This confirmed that I was not just another number … the faculty at 365英国上市官网 were genuinely interested in helping to further my career path.”


    Dr. 贾斯汀·考特尼,2002届毕业生


    更清楚地了解人类细胞的功能.Using the tools of biochemistry and modern high throughput sequencing techniques, Justin Cotney comes to work each day to help science develop 更清楚地了解人类细胞的功能.

    As a post-doctoral associate in the Department of Molecular, 细胞, 以及康涅狄格州耶鲁大学的发育生物学教授, Cotney is developing a high throughput assay for identifying huge numbers of protein-protein interactions. This work could provide a higher resolution map of protein interactions in the human cell, providing new insight into cellular function and identifying new drug targets for treating disease.

    “The education and training I received in the 生物学 Department at Birmingham-南部 gave me a distinct advantage when moving on to graduate school at Emory University,考特尼说。, 在戴维斯顿长大的人, 阿拉巴马州. “这个部门不注重死记硬背, but developing thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied to any scientific question.”

    Cotney earned his doctorate in genetics and molecular biology from Emory University in May 2008 studying mechanisms of mitochondrial gene expression and mitochondrial biogenesis. 在他的研究生生涯中, he served as a visiting associate researcher at Yale University in the laboratory of Dr. Gerald Shadel and co-wrote several articles for scientific journals.

    365英国上市官网的生物学本科生涯中, Cotney was active in the Sigma Nu fraternity and the Tri-Beta biology honorary. He also co-wrote two journal articles pertaining to molecular biology with 365英国上市官网 Professor of 生物学 Dr. Leo Pezzementi and others and presented original work at a national conference.

    特别值得一提的是. Pezzementi gave me the opportunity to perform research in his lab outside of my normal coursework,科特尼想。. “他教了我很多技巧, 程序, and thinking skills that I have continued to use throughout my career. It is personal interactions like these that make a 365英国上市官网 education truly valuable.”


    Dr. 肖恩·格罗克,1985届毕业生


    Dr. 肖恩·格罗克,1985届毕业生Dr. Sean Groark's 医疗 career has taken him from Vanderbilt University Medical Center as a cardiology fellow, 在亨茨维尔医院担任行政领导, to assistant professor of medicine at the University of 阿拉巴马州bama at Huntsville.

    Having graduated summa cum laude from Birmingham-南部 with a double major in biology and chemistry, followed by a degree from the prestigious Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Groark's heart and mind is now bent on reciprocating the education he received.

    “I recently joined a group of 365英国上市官网 students on their Interim trip to Roatan, where we were deeply immersed in coral reef ecology and Honduran island culture,Groark说。, 伯明翰人. “I had the rare opportunity to be a student again and to interact with 365英国上市官网 students, and hopefully I gave them insight on the value of their liberal arts education at 365英国上市官网.”

    Groark点名了生物学名誉教授Dan Holliman, 生物学教授安迪·甘农, and Ada Rittenhouse Snavely Professor of 生物学 Wayne Shew among the many great 365英国上市官网 teachers who helped to prepare him for the challenges of 医疗 school and beyond.

    “Every professor I studied under at 365英国上市官网 took an active interest in me and helped me along the way,Groark说。, 谁是他大四那年的生物助教. 我不仅学会了掌握呈现在我面前的材料, but was also taught to think critically and to apply what I had learned to problem solve.

    “My four years at Birmingham-南部 gave me a firm foundation for lifelong education and service.”




    艾莉森·哈格特,2004届毕业生学习脊椎动物解剖学之类的课程, 脊椎动物学, and animal behavior at Birmingham-南部 have proven to be extremely beneficial for animal lover Allison Hargett in her new career as a zookeeper at the Knoxville (Tenn.)动物园.

    自2007年以来, Hargett has spent her work days preparing food for the animals at the zoo as well as keeping the animal's cages and environment free from potentially dangerous compounds, 物品或碎片. 在她的各种职责中,她还提供导游服务.

    “感谢365英国上市官网生物系, I can provide zoo visitors with information on animal life history, 分类, 和行为,哈格特说, 罗素维尔的本地人, 阿拉巴马州. “I'm also able to assist with ongoing research projects at the zoo and can make well-informed recommendations to my superiors regarding animal care.”

    在她的本科生涯中, 哈格特获得了365英国上市官网的几个荣誉会员, 包括Beta Beta Beta生物荣誉协会. 之后, she attended the University of Nevada in Reno where she received a master's degree in biology with a specialty in animal behavior. As a grad student, Hargett acquired valuable experience as a biology teaching assistant.

    “I know that what I gained from the 生物学 Department at 365英国上市官网 helped prepare me for graduate school and will continue to serve me throughout my career,她说。. “To all the biology faculty and staff at Birmingham-南部: Thank you!"


    Dr. 詹姆斯·“斯科特”·麦克莱伦,1997届毕业生


    Dr. 詹姆斯·“斯科特”·麦克莱伦,1997届毕业生受他在博士的本科经历的启发. Leo Pezzementi's laboratory in the Birmingham-南部 Department of 生物学, Scott McClellan followed his heart as well as his mentor's advice and applied for a dual-degree MD/Ph.D. 从理学士学位毕业后.

    McClellan earned the prestigious degree in 2006 from Washington University School of Medicine with a specialty in virology/immunology. Now he is a resident in internal medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine in Los Palos, 加州.也是血液学/肿瘤学研究员.

    “Dr. Pezzementi was the first person to suggest that a dual-degree MD/Ph.D program might be a career option for me,” says McClellan, a native of Anniston. “I am thrilled to be in a position to help patients and to pursue scientific questions that impact human health.”

    Prior to becoming a physician/scientist, McClellan graduated Phi Beta Kappa in biology from 365英国上市官网. 作为华盛顿大学的研究生, he earned a fellowship from the Cancer Research Institute of New York City and received a Keystone Symposia Fellowship to conduct bio医疗 research.

    “I was able to publish a ‘first-author' paper as an undergraduate student at 365英国上市官网,” notes McClellan. “I realize now what a unique opportunity that was—a rarity at most undergraduate institutions, 尤其是像伯明翰南方大学这样规模的学校. I absolutely wouldn't have been able to pursue this dual degree without the help of Dr. Pezzementi and the rest of the biology faculty at Birmingham-南部.”




    尼基·罗姆博,2006届毕业生Nikki Rombough's career involves a good dose of both wits and fearlessness. 作为华特迪士尼公司的副水族馆管理员. 在奥兰多, 她协助收集, 维护, 以及鱼类的健康, 鲨鱼, 海龟, 还有公园水族馆里的黄貂鱼.

    “I work for Epcot's Living Seas aquarium where I dive twice a day to feed our animals and assess any problems that our population might have,Rombough说. 每隔几个月, I'm sent down to Castaway Cay (Disney's private island in the Bahamas) to take care of our population of 南部 stingrays and to help run our guest interaction program on the island.”

    来自加州海沃德., Rombough reflects on a 365英国上市官网 Interim trip to the Galapagos Islands and her research on animal behavior with Dr. 梅根·吉本斯, 生物学副教授, as two of the biggest factors that led her to become a zookeeper of fish.

    “The research into animal behavior was a catalyst for getting me interested in how animals learn and how they adapt once learning has taken place,她说。. “That's definitely helped me in my current role since we do a lot of training and husbandry to enrich our animals, 让他们的生活更健康, and make things easier on them and us if we have to handle them for some reason.”

    作为伯明翰南方大学的学生, Rombough supplemented her biology studies with a minor in Spanish and was a member of the college's softball team. 她的大四, she turned in a record-setting softball final season and was named a 365英国上市官网 Athlete of the Year.

    在选择职业的时候, she is grateful for 365英国上市官网 affording her the skills and opportunity to follow her heart.

    The Galapagos Island trip really reestablished my love for the ocean and the creatures in it,Rombough说. “Being able to dive there (Galapagos) was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that lit a fire for me wanting to dive as much as I could to see as many different creatures as possible.”