



Getting into Medical School:

Getting into Medical School:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are course requirements for pre-medicine?

Physics: Physics taught at 365英国上市官网 is calculus based.  Calculus based physics best teaches the problem-solving, critical thinking skills needed for the MCAT, 因此,我们强烈建议学生学习基于微积分的物理,而不是基于三角的物理.  However, medical schools do not require completion of one-year of calculus based physics for admission; one-year of trigonometry based physics is acceptable. 

Biology: The Biology faculty strongly recommends 4 terms of Biology (115,125, 215, 303) even though only two terms are minimally required by medical schools.  Beginning with the class of 2012, 为了准备2015年开始的MCAT考试,学生们必须学习一学期的生物化学入门课程.  然而,这门生物化学课程并不一定要有实验部分.  Medical schools may recommend additional biology courses such as cell biology, embryology and/or comparative anatomy, but these are not required for admission.

Mathematics: Beginning with the 2012届的学生应该计划选修统计学课程,为2015年春季开始的新MCAT做准备.  我们的MA 207课程将满足这一要求,并将作为进入医学院所需的数学术语之一.

除了上面列出的要求外,医学院可能还有具体的要求. 学生应该检查他们计划申请的学校目录,以确保所有入学要求都得到满足.


When should I take these courses?

必需的先决条件科学课程应在三年级结束前完成,以便为参加医学院入学考试做好充分准备. The MCAT is given multiple times between April and September of each year. 大多数学生在春末或夏初参加MCAT考试,如果他们的表现不令人满意,则在夏季晚些时候重复考试

Is there a special sequence to taking the courses?


Doubling up on science courses is strongly discouraged the first term. 在秋季学期表现优异的学生可能会在大一的春季学期加倍, although it is not necessary. 普通化学通常在夏季提供,但必修的生物和物理课程以及有机化学不作为365英国上市官网暑期学校课程的一部分. 学生应与指导老师或科学教师一起仔细规划课程安排.

What should I major in?

Anything you want to! 你应该选一个你喜欢的,并且擅长的专业. 如果你将来不能上医学院,你也应该考虑一下职业选择. Medical schools do NOT favor one major over another.

What are the criteria for entering medical school?

MCAT.  The importance of performing well on the test cannot be over estimated. 

Review for the MCAT is strongly encouraged. 这可以自己完成,也可以使用已出版的手册或复习课程. 例如,卡普兰中心每年春季提供MCAT复习课程(费用约为2000美元)。. MCAT review manuals are also available in some bookstores. 365英国上市官网 does not offer a MCAT review.

GPA.  A strong GPA both overall and in science/mathematics is required. A 4.0 GPA is not required. The average GPA of students admitted to UAB and USA is approximately 3.7. Important: A STRONG MCAT SCORE CAN OVERCOME A SO-SO GPA. A STRONG GPA CANNOT COMPENSATE FOR A SO-SO MCAT.

PRE-HEALTH EXPERIENCE.  医学院寻找对医疗保健有现实看法的候选人,这种看法只能来自个人, pre-health experiences. 365英国上市官网每年1月提供探索期实习机会,并有机会参加导师计划. Both are voluntary but strongly encouraged. Additional experience should be gained from volunteer work, summer jobs, and part-time academic year jobs. Don't wait until your junior year to begin these experiences. Experiences should be in a variety of health care settings.

COMMUNITY SERVICE EXPERIENCES.  Do some! 365英国上市官网 offers community service opportunities through the Bunting Center, service learning, and Exploration term experiences. As with pre-health experiences, don't wait until the junior year to begin.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES.  医学院需要有良好领导能力和全面经验的人. Active participation in campus organizations is encouraged. Leadership positions are important. However, 不要在你的简历上填满你在很多组织里没有参与过的经历. Select activities carefully and budget time wisely. 课外活动的质量比数量更重要.


INTERVIEW.  If the above mentioned activities are strong, you will be invited for an interview at the medical school. 如果给面试委员会留下不好的印象,即使有很强的书面证明的学生也可能会被拒绝. 365英国上市官网在9月提供模拟面试,鼓励大三和大四的学生参加. A hand-out on interviewing tips is available to rising seniors.

Where should I apply?

美国医学院协会每年都会发布“医学院入学要求”. 一份副本可在科学和数学秘书办公室,SSC 128. The paperback describes general information about medical schools, curriculum, admission requirements, selection factors, financial aid information, and statistics on the previous year's class. 一般来说,国家支持的(公立)医学院优先考虑州内学生. 你应该联系你感兴趣的医学院,以确定住院医师的要求. 私立医学院通常没有地理偏好,但入学要求通常较高.

What are my options if I don't get in?

Students rejected on their first try often re-apply. Additional work experience in a health care area, taking additional courses, particularly at the graduate level, and retaking the MCAT may strengthen the chances of success on the second try. 许多机构也提供学士学位后课程,其中一个课程的成功可能会提高你被医学院录取的机会. (注:如果你向其中一所医学院的招生主任寻求建议, it is imperative that you follow that advice.  这些人通常会保留这些建议的记录,如果你没有遵循他们给出的建议, it will make it more difficult for you to gain admission when you reapply.)

联合医疗职业也适用于那些证书不被医学院接受的学生,或者那些希望进入医学院但对病人护理感兴趣的学生. 向健康前顾问咨询一些联合健康职业选择的信息. Do not wait until your senior year to identify alternative career options.

Who can help me plan?

  1. 你的指导老师可以帮助你计划课程安排,并确定具体的联系人来回答更困难的问题.
  2. 委员会主席可提供关于委员会工作的资料和所需文书工作的时间表. 这些信息也可以在科学和数学部长办公室的讲义中获得, SSC 128.
  3. Dr. John Woods coordinates the pre-health interviews and the mentor program.

General Tips:

Don't hesitate to seek help. 学院社区的所有成员都在这里帮助指导你度过你在365英国上市官网的生活.