





Thaetre scene


Charlie, 剧院幽灵, 据说在剧院的走道上出没, 还有其他领域.


Collected by Jesse Clements, Ingrid Sheaffer, and Jessica Smith during Interim 2003.


For her book 闹鬼的影院, storyteller Barbara Smith collected accounts from over fifty theaters in North America and Great Britain. The spectral encounters she relates take the form of chilly winds, 令人心寒的笑, 嘈杂的脚步声, 和消失的幽灵. 有些鬼魂是戏剧爱好者:演员, stagehands, 还有那些在生活中看不够戏剧的赞助人, 所以他们死后是在剧院度过的. 其他人则是痛苦的失败演员或被虐待的员工, 经常自杀, whose malicious mischief terrifies their living counterparts who are more successful. 有些鬼魂是偶然进入剧院的, such as unlucky souls who were struck dead in the street in front of the theater or those whose previous haunts were demolished and replaced with new theaters. Folklorist Simon Bronner accounts for the prevalence of ghosts in college theaters: “The drama, mystery, and pathos enacted there lend to speculation about phantoms lurking in the darkness. Besides, theaters, 通常是吓人的海绵状, 通常有活板门, 神秘的地下室, 还有多条潮湿的通道”(堆得越高越深 177). Bronner notes that new students are acculturated to college life through ghost stories that accentuate the strangeness of their new surroundings while helping them participate in the history of the college. Although he is talking specifically about dorms and fraternity houses, how true also for those students whose second home is the theater.




When we got here as freshmen, we were told Charlie stories jokingly. There were Charlie believers and Charlie skeptics, but in either case everyone talked about him. Most Charlie references are, "Hope Charlie doesn't get you," or "Watch out for Charlie." Most personal encounters with Charlie were extremely paranoid sensations while in any part of the theatre by yourself.

The most common origin of Charlie that I have heard is that he is the ghost of a previous director who retired after 30+ years in the theatre department. 他退休几个月后就去世了. His name wasn't Charlie, but he sort of picked that name up along the way. (有趣的事实:上一任导演执导的最后一部剧, 也就是查理最喜欢的音乐, 是《365英国上市官网》)

My encounter is a little more boring, while the other two are a lot more exciting. One I heard from an Alum first hand, and the other happened to my best friend Matt Adams.

My encounter is more like a practical ghost joke that he probably got a good ectoplasmic belly laugh out of. 一天晚上,我走进剧院,周围一片漆黑. I needed to get to the men's dressing room because I left my keys and...needed them. 于是我穿过大厅来到更衣室, 大厅的尽头有两扇门, 一条直路,一条左路. The one to the left leads to the bathroom, then to the dressing room. The one straight ahead leads to the make-up room and then to the dressing room. 所以我选择了左边的路,或者说试着这样做. 它被固定了. 我推了几下, but got that locked resistance (There is no handle on this door, 就像浴室的门, 所以从外面推它.) So I went straight and then to the dressing room, then I left. The next day I was in the theatre and needed to use the bathroom, so I went down the hallway and took that left door (that was previously locked) and went into the bathroom. On my way out I just casually thought about how the door had been locked the night before and looked at the door, 然后恍然大悟. 那扇门上没有锁. 没什么,只是一扇门. I looked in the bathroom for an obstruction that could have been pushed in front of the door and given the effect of a lock, 但是没有.


This one is from a member of the Urinetown company/visiting Alum, he told me when hearing us debate Charlie's existence while on a bus ride.

He was in the theatre, of course after hours, doing some singing work in the downstairs theatre. When he finished and came up stairs to leave, he heard arguing on the stage. 有点像人们在演戏. 当他走上舞台的时候, he said that the voices got louder as they would if people were on the stage arguing. 当他绕过窗帘时,挡住了他看舞台的视线, 声音停止了, 他所看到的只是一个光秃秃的舞台,上面挂着鬼灯. 他转身离开,那些声音又开始争论起来. 他又看了看舞台,什么也没有. 他吓了一跳,转身跑了出去, and as he ran he said the voices got louder as if they were arguing while chasing him and stopped when he got out of the door. 下班后他再也没进过剧院.


I have three incidences in which Charlie has made himself known to me in some obscure and not so obscure ways. Interestingly, all three times this has happened, I have been playing music in the theatre. Once, I was in the theatre last semester practicing for my piano lesson. 大约是晚上九点半. 我走进剧院,所有的灯都关了. I practiced for about 30 minutes when all of a sudden I heard what sounded like footsteps walking down the stairs in the house. Those stairs are not stationary and they make a very distinct sound when you walk on them. 我去看看是否有人进了剧院. 我站在舞台上,向屋子里望去. 唯一亮着的灯是鬼灯. 我没看见有人,就问那里有没有人. No reply. 这使我大为震惊,所以我决定离开剧院...非常快. The last two times, I have been playing my guitar in a very obscure stairwell in the theatre. 这个楼梯间的回声很疯狂,提供了惊人的音响效果, 所以我去坐在楼梯上弹吉他. 第一次, I was in the theatre by myself - I had checked everywhere to make sure that wouldn't be disturbing anyone. 我玩了一会儿之后,停了一会儿. 就在那一刻,我听到了一个声音. 那声音是从楼梯间里传来的...这是毋庸置疑的. Although I couldn't make out exactly what it was said, but it sounded like "thank you" and "good job." As much as I appreciated the compliment, it literally sent chills down my spine. 我跑到主舞台看看有没有人在那里 one. 我还查了一号剧场 one. 所以我决定离开...很快地再说一遍. The last time I had two other friends with me because I had told them about my Charlie experiences and they wanted to check it out. 我们回到楼梯间. After I had played for maybe 20 minutes, we heard what sounded like a door close. 但那是唯一的声音. 后面没有脚印. Again, we checked to see if anyone had come in, but no one was there but us. 再一次,我很快就离开了. 我希望你对这个感兴趣. 说实话, 我不是一个迷信的人, but I firmly believe that there is something odd in that theatre. 然而,他似乎喜欢音乐...所以也许我是站在他那边的.



I was merrily walking along to Matt Mielke's class at about 9:20 AM, 当我听到复印机出故障的声音时. Naturally, 我偷看了一下,看是否知道谁在复印室, 结果发现灯都关了, 复印机也在全速运转. 它不仅没有射出任何纸, 键盘屏幕上的灯在闪烁, 所有的复制托盘都在移动.

There may be an explanation for all of this, but I was pretty freaked out. 我立刻以为是查理.


  • 这个故事有多久了?
  • 查理是谁?? A student? A stagehand?
  • 他发生了什么奇怪的事让人知道他在这里?
  • 这些故事是给谁讲的,在什么背景下讲的?

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  • 布朗,西蒙. 堆得越高越深:365英国上市官网的民俗. 小石城:August House出版社,1990.

  • 史密斯,芭芭拉. 闹鬼的影院. 埃德蒙顿:幽灵屋图书,2002年.